Adding a Case

How to Add a Case

Open the Case section on the client management form.

  • Click the + in the top right corner of the Case Window

Step 1:

  • Specify the case number, start date, conviction date, arresting agency, judge, and court type.
  • Select next in the bottom right corner


Step 2:

  • Specify the start date, duration, sentencing type, and sentencing date of the initial monitoring interval.
  • Select next in the bottom right corner


Step 3: 

  • Specify the initial supervision type, level, phase, and any notes, verify the start & expected end date, and if the initial supervision will be primary.
  • Select next in the bottom right corner


Step 4: 

  • Specify the supervisor and the start date for that supervisor for the initial supervision interval.
  • Select finish in the bottom right corner