Online Case Management for Probation, Pretrial, and Specialized Dockets

Built Alongside Probation Staff
Supervision is a web-based case management system developed in collaboration with probation staff to integrate all judicial tools into a single app. Now, officers can access communication, calendars, documents, video calling, electronic signing, drug testing, surveys, and more on one platform.
Streamline Workflows
Automate repetitive tasks and reduce manual entry, allowing court staff to focus on case outcomes. -
Seamless Data Sharing
Share client demographics, case histories, court orders, and progress reports in real-time with other departments using Supervision. -
Tailor Supervision to meet your court's unique needs with flexible configurations and workflows. -
In-Person Training
Ensure your team is fully equipped to maximize the platform's potential with our hands-on training and ongoing support.
All Supervision Tools in ONE Platform
OCSS and OJSS - Statewide Adoption
Ohio has adopted Supervision as the foundation for OCSS (Ohio Community Supervision System) and OJSS (Ohio Juvenile Supervision System), making it the state’s leading probation case management system. Our online, multi-tenant platform is specifically tailored to Ohio’s supervision standards, enabling seamless data sharing across 150+ departments.

So, What are you waiting for?
Team buy-in? Budget approval from your leadership?
Maybe your morning coffee to kick your brain into full gear? Once you have got it, a wonderful experience implementing your supervision system awaits. Ask any of our customers; we're with you every step of the way. Book a time below to get started: